Massachusetts Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

If you or a loved one have suffered serious side effects from a transvaginal mesh implant, the attorneys at The Dunken Law Firm can help. We are currently accepting cases involving transvaginal mesh from all over Massachusetts, including:

  • Boston
  • Worcester
  • Springfield
  • Cambridge
  • Lowell

Anyone who has suffered transvaginal mesh injuries or required transvaginal mesh revision surgeries may have grounds for a product liability claim in Massachusetts. Contact The Dunken Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys and be on your way to legal recourse.

Why Choose Our Firm?

  • The Dunken Law Firm only takes cases involving transvaginal mesh injuries. This focus enables us to provide a degree of specialized representation few other firms can offer.
  • Our attorneys have more than 25 years of experience handling defective medical device claims for our clients.
  • We offer free consultations so potential clients know the potential risks of pursuing a claim before agreeing to legal representation.
  • Our firm also offers contingency fee billing. A contingency fee comes out of a case award, so we only collect legal fees for winning cases.

Transvaginal Mesh: Uses and Risks

In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an FDA Safety Communication regarding the safety and efficacy of transvaginal mesh products for treating pelvic organ prolapse. Surgical mesh plays a part in many surgical procedures, and under ideal conditions a mesh product can help restore healthy organ function and help damaged tissues heal. Unfortunately, surgical mesh also entails a heavy amount of risk when used to correct pelvic organ prolapse.

After releasing their Safety Communication, the FDA investigated surgical mesh products from more than 30 manufacturers. The FDA then enacted stricter regulations for these devices, compelling many of those manufacturers to cease production of transvaginal mesh products. In 2016, the FDA reclassified transvaginal mesh for pelvic organ prolapse as a class III device with the strictest FDA device review process. Today only three of these products remain on the market for pelvic organ prolapse corrective procedures.

Possible Complications and Side Effects

Women who experience transvaginal mesh injuries often experience a wide range of negative symptoms.

  • Urinary problems
  • Excess discharge
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Mesh erosion
  • Organ perforation
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal scarring

These symptoms can persist for a long time following surgery and may also arise after transvaginal mesh revision surgeries. When a woman experiences adverse side effects from transvaginal mesh, her attending physician will likely require a revision surgery and attempt to remove the pieces of damaged mesh from her body and then repair damaged tissues. Unfortunately, the damage from transvaginal mesh complications can cause scarring that negatively impacts quality of life for years or even permanently.

Filing a Product Liability Claim in Massachusetts

Anyone who has grounds for filing a product liability claim must do so within the appropriate statute of limitations, or time limit, for filing. In Massachusetts, the statute of limitations is three years starting on the date of injury. If a victim cannot pinpoint exactly when an injury occurred, then the discovery rule applies, and the statute of limitations begins on the date the victim discovered the adverse effects.

The plaintiff’s attorney does not necessarily need to prove the manufacturer’s negligence to succeed with a product liability claim. The plaintiff’s attorney must prove the device in question was defective by design, production, or marketing and directly responsible for the plaintiff’s damages. In a successful product liability lawsuit, a plaintiff could secure compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and all other damages caused by a defective product.

The right attorney can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of a product liability case for transvaginal mesh injuries. Contact The Dunken Law Firm today to discuss your claim in Massachusetts. Once we have the details of your situation, we can advise you of your options for legal recourse and the type of compensation you could expect if you win your case.