North Carolina Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

The lawyers of The Dunken Law Firm are available for clients with transvaginal mesh injury lawsuits throughout North Carolina, including:

  • Charlotte
  • Raleigh
  • Asheville
  • Greensboro
  • Wilmington

If you or a family member recently suffered any type of transvaginal mesh injuries in North Carolina, contact our firm today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys.

How Transvaginal Mesh Works

Transvaginal mesh is a type of surgical mesh used to support damaged tissues. Two of the most common applications of transvaginal mesh are corrective surgeries for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. These conditions affect hundreds of thousands of women in the United States every year, and for years transvaginal mesh was a common choice among surgeons.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified several potential hazards of using transvaginal mesh for pelvic organ prolapse and issued an FDA Safety Communication in 2011 regarding their findings. The FDA identified more than 30 manufacturers of potentially problematic transvaginal mesh products and started enacting stricter regulations for the development and use of transvaginal mesh. Today, only three transvaginal surgical mesh products intended for pelvic organ prolapse correction remain on the market.

Possible Negative Symptoms From Transvaginal Mesh

Pelvic organ prolapse affects roughly 200,000 women every year in the U.S., and about 10% of those women will require surgical remedies. When a woman has a transvaginal mesh procedure, several possible adverse side effects could occur.

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Urinary problems
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Mesh erosion
  • Organ perforation
  • Protrusion of an implant
  • Vaginal scarring

Of the women who undergo transvaginal mesh surgeries, about 13% will require transvaginal mesh revision surgeries within five years. As many as 30% will later require surgery for prolapse or another related condition at some point in the future.

When a woman requires transvaginal mesh revision surgery, the attending surgeon will likely attempt to remove any and all pieces of the damaged mesh and repair damaged tissues. Unfortunately, the high occurrence rate of women requiring revision surgeries and the high chance of negative side effects from all transvaginal mesh-related procedures mean many women suffer significant quality of life declines following transvaginal mesh injuries.

Filing a Product Liability Claim in North Carolina

North Carolina requires claimants with product liability claims to file those claims within six years of acquiring a defective product. Generally, anyone with a personal injury claim related to a defective product has three years from the date of injury to file a claim. However, the statute of limitations may toll if the claimant does not discover the harm in question right away. The date of discovery is the date a claimant realized the harm done by a defective product or the date a reasonable person would have noticed it.

In a product liability lawsuit, the plaintiff’s attorney needs to prove the product in question is defective and the direct cause of the plaintiff’s damages. The compensation available in a typical product liability lawsuit generally includes medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering damages.

How Can an Attorney Help?

An attorney with product liability experience can not only assist you with building your injury claim, but can also manage correspondence with your insurance carrier, help you manage personal finances during your lawsuit, and consult with expert witnesses who may be able to provide valuable professional insights into your case and support your claim.

The attorneys at The Dunken Law Firm have the experience to handle all claims for transvaginal mesh injuries in North Carolina. If you or a loved one suffered any type of injury from transvaginal mesh after a pelvic organ prolapse correction procedure or transvaginal mesh revision surgeries, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Once we review your claim, we can discuss what you can expect from filing a lawsuit and the possible compensation you could receive from a successful claim.