Ohio Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

The Ohio transvaginal mesh attorneys of The Dunken Law Firm are currently accepting cases involving transvaginal mesh injuries in cities throughout Ohio, including:

  • Columbus
  • Youngstown
  • Toledo
  • Cleveland
  • Cincinnati
  • Akron

If you or a loved one suffered any type of transvaginal mesh injuries from a stress urinary incontinence corrective surgery or pelvic organ prolapse corrective surgery, our attorneys can help you pursue damages through a product liability claim in Ohio.

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Why Choose Our Firm?

  • The Dunken Law Firm specifically focuses on product liability claims for transvaginal mesh injuries, affording us with experience in the field few other firms can match
  • Our attorneys have more than 25 years of experience handling product liability claims for defective medical devices.
  • We understand the dramatic toll transvaginal mesh injuries can take on quality of life.
  • We believe everyone should have access to legal representation when they need it most, so we operate on a contingency fee basis and only accept legal fees when we win.

Transvaginal Mesh Uses and Risks

Surgical mesh grew very popular in recent decades due to aggressive marketing from manufacturers and apparent efficacy, but most surgical mesh varieties entail a host of potential adverse side effects. Two of the most common applications of surgical mesh include corrective surgeries for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Surgical mesh binds to and supports damaged tissues to encourage proper organ function and healing. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported several possible risks of these applications

In 2011, an FDA Safety Communication identified surgical mesh from more than 30 manufacturers with a high potential for adverse side effects. Since then, the FDA has enacted stricter regulations for surgical mesh. Today, only three transvaginal mesh products for pelvic organ prolapse are available on the market. FDA guidance classifies transvaginal mesh as a class III device with high risk.

Possible Adverse Effects

  • Transvaginal mesh may erode, and pieces of the mesh can migrate to different parts of the body
  • Damaged and eroded mesh can cause organ perforation and bleeding in the bowels, bladder, and vagina
  • Women often report painful intercourse and other pelvic pain after transvaginal mesh-related procedures.
  • Transvaginal mesh can cause excess vaginal drainage and discharge
  • The chance for a woman to need transvaginal mesh revision surgeries following an initial procedure is high.
  • Other common side effects include infection, urinary problems, and bleeding

When these issues appear, attending physicians will attempt to either correct the implantation of transvaginal mesh or remove damaged mesh and repair damaged tissues. Unfortunately, these procedures also entail risks, and many women who undergo such procedures often develop vaginal scarring that can negatively impact quality of life for years to come.

Product Liability Claims in Ohio

Every state has unique laws and statutes concerning product liability claims. In Ohio, the statute of limitations or time limit for filing a product liability claim for personal injury is two years following the date of injury. However, the discovery rule also applies in Ohio product liability claims and may toll the start of the statute of limitations until the date a reasonable person would have discovered the harm from a defective product.

Women who suffer transvaginal mesh injuries generally have two years to take legal action starting on the date they notice adverse side effects. However, Ohio upholds a statute of repose of ten years on product liability claims. This means a woman has ten years following a transvaginal mesh surgical procedure to take legal action for damages resulting from the procedure regardless of the date of discovery

Anyone who has suffered transvaginal mesh injuries in Ohio after a pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence corrective procedure may have grounds for a product liability lawsuit against a defective product manufacturer. Contact The Dunken Law Firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation case consultation with one of our attorneys. We can review your claim and let you know your chances of success with a lawsuit and the type of compensation you could expect if we win your case.